Water Entities & Special Districts Insurance - Occupational Accident & Business Travel Accident Coverage
Your board commits significant personal time to managing the needs of your Special District. What would happen if, while traveling on Board business, a member suffered a disabling injury, or worse, an Accidental Death? PLAN FOR BENEFITS FOR DIRECTORS The plan provides benefits to non-employee directors' for board authorized travel. This includes traveling to, during the course of, or returning from your premises. Coverage is also provided while at a committee meeting or other similar duties including any trip for which you received a reimbursement for expenses or service performed. EMPLOYEE COVERAGE Accidental Death Benefit of $100,000 is provided to all full-time employees while on an authorized business trip. Coverage begins at the start of the trip and ends when the covered person returns to his or her home or place of work. Of course an activity that is not reasonably related to your business and is not incidental to the purpose of the trip would not be covered. (Coverage does not include commuting between home and place of work.) PREMIUMS For most Water and Sewer districts, coverage can be acquired for as little as $1,500 annually. Other limits and premiums might be applicable. To secure a quote, please contact your insurance agent or complete the attached questionnaire. Help protect volunteers and employees with a wide variety of accident plans for specialty events and activities, coverage for board members while involved in board-related activities and employees who travel on behalf of the organization. These plans offer a range of benefits including: Occupational Accidental Death, Travel Accident, Disability and Medical coverage. SPECIALTY BENEFITS AVAILABLE